Sara's Ramblings

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


I really can't think of any sort of title for this post, so for now we'll just leave it as "untitled" and pretend that I'm artsy. Ooooooh.

I guess Kiri's back, hmm? I refuse to say eh because it's not in my natural vocabulary and everyone up here at Whistler says it constantly. It's kind of interesting. Like psychologically they must remind visitors that they are in Canada. Or something.

Guess what? I'm leaving to go skiing in a few minutes. Well a few minutes = half an hour. I'm really really excited. I'm going to make them put me in beginner beginner because I need to be in that class even though I've skiied before. Apparently I'm told that the conditions aren't very good, but my sister and dad still enjoyed themselves, so hopefully I, being a novice, won't even notice. I'll just think that skiing is really really hard. So next time when there's fresh snow, I'll think, "wow, I've gotten so good!". It's fun to convince yourself of things!

The bus ride up was very pleasant. The guy beside me this time did not smell which was a blessing. And he too fell asleep, but not on me. Again, very good stuff. The last time I took a Greyhound, it was to Calgary, and I was stuck beside a smelly, smelly guy who fell asleep on my shoulder and tried to take my minidisc player. BLEEEECHHHHHHH.

I am reading a book for fun. It's called Snow Falling on Cedars, and I'm going to rent the movie afterwards I think. So far it's pretty good, and I'm almost done, so it doesn't really have a lot of time left to get really good. We'll have to see.

Anyway, I am inept because I can't figure out how to make my laptop have internet, which makes me sad. But then again, maybe that's a good thing. I don't like this computer very much, so maybe I will spend less time at it. Hmmm probably not. I've got a concert to plan. And I need to blog. It's very important. Crucial, even. (See the above comment: "It's fun to comvince yourself of things")

OK kids, have a great day and I'll post more when I'm back. If I come back. Dun Dun Dun.


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