"Schooooooool's out for summer! Schoooool's out for-EVER!" - A. Cooper
I am done exams and that makes me really happy. I enjoyed myself at The Pit with Kiri and Ashlee last night, and now I'm sitting here at noon and I have nothing pressing and school-related that demands my attention.
Kiri has a livejournal that's "friends only" and I asked her if I needed to get an account in order to view it. She told me that, according to her friends list, I DO have an account, so I went to livejournal and tried the trusty password and "fizz_bubbles" and what do you know? There it was. Not only do I not remember having a livejournal, I certainly don't remember writing in it. But I did, and it was shocking! Angry, angry Sara! Hehe. How much can a person change in a few short years? As I read over the few entries that I found, I can see that I am definitely different, and definitely the same. I still see that need to vent, and I still see that I am naive. But I've definitely grown, and it's neat to see.
"All you wanted was a miracle / All you needed was a miracle / A miracle / All you wanted was a miracle / All you needed was a miracle / A miracle / A miracle" - M. Scanell
I'm not writing about this because I'm feeling all nostalgic, but because two of the three entries have just... blessed me in an unbelievable way. The title of this post is "miracles" and I was reminded of a miracle in my own life that really shouldn't be forgotten. People say that God doesn't show Himself to us through miracles anymore, but that is not true. Not true at all.
Go ahead, read the entries at http://www.livejournal.com/users/fizz_bubbles/. The bottom two. About [...], not about the other stuff that I was freaking out about. Hehe.
OK, have you read them? It's important that you know the story of [...]. In addition to cleaning up some of the swearing (about which I'm kind of embarrassed), I also edited out his name, simply because I don't think it's fair of me to post it all over the internet.
So let me give you an update. It was determined that he had a virus in his brain that his body was not able to fight off because of his weakened immune system. He became paralyzed on one side of his body and we were told, in those oh-so-pleasant terms, that he had less than 6 months with us. And that was being optimistic. I didn't get to see him that day, but when I finally did, he was wheelchair bound and did look like death.
Now here is the reason why I'm smiling as I type this. [...] is still here, almost two-and-a-half years later. He is out of a wheelchair, he is out of his walker.... all he has is a cane. The virus in his brain is gone... he has feeling in his body again. His viral load is way down, and he's still here. HE'S STILL HERE. Maybe you're thinking, "how is that a miracle? he was at one of the best AIDS hospitals in Canada", but by all medical norms and standards, according to doctors, he should be dead.
"Am I too wise to recognize that everything uncertain / Is certainly a possibility / When logic fails my reasoning / And science crushes underneath / The weight of all that is unseen" - N. Nordeman
This, to me, is a miracle. He, to me, is a miracle. There is no other explanation for [...]. Doctors these days have access to knowledge and medicine and equipment that doctors 50 years ago could only dream of. There comes a point, however, where a line is crossed, and they can no longer offer a solution to the problem. God doesn't always respond in this particular way, but in this case, I firmly believe that He did.
"The Lord is gracious and compassionate /... Rich in love / And the Lord is good to all / He has compassion for all that He has made" - G. Ord
It brings new meaning to the phrase, "He is the Healer". While we shouldn't NEED to see miracles to believe in and trust God, we should EXPECT them, because that's who God is. I think it's amusing that in the midst of that angry, expletive-laden livejournal, I found a miracle! It's a miracle! HAHA. *slaps knee*
"It's the most wonderful time of the year" - Christmas Carol (too lazy to look up who wrote it)
Now that school is out of the way, I can start to get into the mood of the season. I know that there is a commercial Christmas that has no semblance to the true meaning, but I think it's ok to enjoy it - heck, it can't be a bad thing if people treat each other with a bit more care for a month every year! Then again there are a lot of CRAZY shoppers out there and they scare me. I'm going to need to put on the boxing gloves before I leave my house.
Oh but I get to write my CHRISTMAS CARDS now! I made myself wait until finals were done. I love Christmas cards. I think it's my favorite part of the "season". Yes, that's exactly what Hallmark wants me to feel! I LOVE writing them. It's so fun! You know what I find sometimes? It's hard to just TELL someone "Hey I think you're amazing! I think what you're doing just rocks and you are appreciated. And I like you because of who you are!" Maybe it's just me, but I have a feeling it's not, because several people with whom I've discussed the situation are in agreement. I have been thinking a lot about WHY that might be, but the point is that Christmas cards seem to be an "acceptable" time / place to be nice. Maybe it goes back to the idea that people in general are less nasty to each other at Christmastime, I don't know.
Wow... it's past 12 30. I have things to do - I still have to exchange those STUPID Christmas cards, do some Christmas shopping (gun in tow, just in case!), clean up the kitchen, maybe go for a WALK, and grab a couple gift certificates for pedicures (I've decided I'm getting one for my mom this year because she doesn't really need any THING.... she'll appreciate being pampered). The place is SO expensive, but they have those MASSAGE chairs that I alluded to here (http://sarasramblings.blogspot.com/2004/08/love-and-marriage.html#comments)! Again, I am so very easily amused.
In lieu of WRITING about things that I have to do, I'm going to go do them!
I am done exams and that makes me really happy. I enjoyed myself at The Pit with Kiri and Ashlee last night, and now I'm sitting here at noon and I have nothing pressing and school-related that demands my attention.
Kiri has a livejournal that's "friends only" and I asked her if I needed to get an account in order to view it. She told me that, according to her friends list, I DO have an account, so I went to livejournal and tried the trusty password and "fizz_bubbles" and what do you know? There it was. Not only do I not remember having a livejournal, I certainly don't remember writing in it. But I did, and it was shocking! Angry, angry Sara! Hehe. How much can a person change in a few short years? As I read over the few entries that I found, I can see that I am definitely different, and definitely the same. I still see that need to vent, and I still see that I am naive. But I've definitely grown, and it's neat to see.
"All you wanted was a miracle / All you needed was a miracle / A miracle / All you wanted was a miracle / All you needed was a miracle / A miracle / A miracle" - M. Scanell
I'm not writing about this because I'm feeling all nostalgic, but because two of the three entries have just... blessed me in an unbelievable way. The title of this post is "miracles" and I was reminded of a miracle in my own life that really shouldn't be forgotten. People say that God doesn't show Himself to us through miracles anymore, but that is not true. Not true at all.
Go ahead, read the entries at http://www.livejournal.com/users/fizz_bubbles/. The bottom two. About [...], not about the other stuff that I was freaking out about. Hehe.
OK, have you read them? It's important that you know the story of [...]. In addition to cleaning up some of the swearing (about which I'm kind of embarrassed), I also edited out his name, simply because I don't think it's fair of me to post it all over the internet.
So let me give you an update. It was determined that he had a virus in his brain that his body was not able to fight off because of his weakened immune system. He became paralyzed on one side of his body and we were told, in those oh-so-pleasant terms, that he had less than 6 months with us. And that was being optimistic. I didn't get to see him that day, but when I finally did, he was wheelchair bound and did look like death.
Now here is the reason why I'm smiling as I type this. [...] is still here, almost two-and-a-half years later. He is out of a wheelchair, he is out of his walker.... all he has is a cane. The virus in his brain is gone... he has feeling in his body again. His viral load is way down, and he's still here. HE'S STILL HERE. Maybe you're thinking, "how is that a miracle? he was at one of the best AIDS hospitals in Canada", but by all medical norms and standards, according to doctors, he should be dead.
"Am I too wise to recognize that everything uncertain / Is certainly a possibility / When logic fails my reasoning / And science crushes underneath / The weight of all that is unseen" - N. Nordeman
This, to me, is a miracle. He, to me, is a miracle. There is no other explanation for [...]. Doctors these days have access to knowledge and medicine and equipment that doctors 50 years ago could only dream of. There comes a point, however, where a line is crossed, and they can no longer offer a solution to the problem. God doesn't always respond in this particular way, but in this case, I firmly believe that He did.
"The Lord is gracious and compassionate /... Rich in love / And the Lord is good to all / He has compassion for all that He has made" - G. Ord
It brings new meaning to the phrase, "He is the Healer". While we shouldn't NEED to see miracles to believe in and trust God, we should EXPECT them, because that's who God is. I think it's amusing that in the midst of that angry, expletive-laden livejournal, I found a miracle! It's a miracle! HAHA. *slaps knee*
"It's the most wonderful time of the year" - Christmas Carol (too lazy to look up who wrote it)
Now that school is out of the way, I can start to get into the mood of the season. I know that there is a commercial Christmas that has no semblance to the true meaning, but I think it's ok to enjoy it - heck, it can't be a bad thing if people treat each other with a bit more care for a month every year! Then again there are a lot of CRAZY shoppers out there and they scare me. I'm going to need to put on the boxing gloves before I leave my house.
Oh but I get to write my CHRISTMAS CARDS now! I made myself wait until finals were done. I love Christmas cards. I think it's my favorite part of the "season". Yes, that's exactly what Hallmark wants me to feel! I LOVE writing them. It's so fun! You know what I find sometimes? It's hard to just TELL someone "Hey I think you're amazing! I think what you're doing just rocks and you are appreciated. And I like you because of who you are!" Maybe it's just me, but I have a feeling it's not, because several people with whom I've discussed the situation are in agreement. I have been thinking a lot about WHY that might be, but the point is that Christmas cards seem to be an "acceptable" time / place to be nice. Maybe it goes back to the idea that people in general are less nasty to each other at Christmastime, I don't know.
Wow... it's past 12 30. I have things to do - I still have to exchange those STUPID Christmas cards, do some Christmas shopping (gun in tow, just in case!), clean up the kitchen, maybe go for a WALK, and grab a couple gift certificates for pedicures (I've decided I'm getting one for my mom this year because she doesn't really need any THING.... she'll appreciate being pampered). The place is SO expensive, but they have those MASSAGE chairs that I alluded to here (http://sarasramblings.blogspot.com/2004/08/love-and-marriage.html#comments)! Again, I am so very easily amused.
In lieu of WRITING about things that I have to do, I'm going to go do them!
Something similar happened to Kandice. She was "asleep" (in a coma?) for seven years, and was at the point of being left for dead and her family found a kabbilistic holistic healer in Israel who came over, in in a handful of treatments (which 7 years of medical treatment couldn't do) she not only became conscious, but regained mobility and is for all intents and purposes, healed.
There is no name for what she had, but it was something that affected her brain.
I recently saw a BBC documentary called "The Mystery of the forgotten plague" about Encephalitis Lethargica. If you have seen the tasteful and very good Robin Williams film "Awakenings" that is about Encephalitis Lethargica, or "frozen people".
I have a theory it may have been similar to what K had.
Only a handful of people ever "come out" of it, and K seems to be one of them.
For more info, read http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3930727.stm and http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/conditions/encephalitislethargica1.shtml.
Mike, at 1:46 p.m.
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