Sara's Ramblings

Sunday, December 05, 2004

? (Question Mark)

"My heart has been / Tryin' to speak to you for years / I've held back because / I've never talked to an angel / But I see one when I look in your eyes / I know you're not trying in your actions / Yeah you're just being you / So God help me if I'm wrong / But I love all the things you do / Can you feel me / Lost in you heart / Take to the sky / Spread your whole wings / Come along / With you I could fly / And I wanna give to you / All the things all the things all the things / That money cannot buy"

Stabilo last night was awesome. I found Richards with no problem, which means I must be turning into a direction MAVEN. It was great to see them again, and I enjoyed it very much. I took approximately thirty-three and a half thousand pictures, so I will put them up on omp or something like that when I have some time.

Things I learned at church today:
- Jesus was born in Bellingham
- He came to save the boys
- Felt isn't a very effective medium when the pressure's on
- Schnitzel at Tante Traute and Onkel Leo's has been cancelled so that they can come up to Whistler on Boxing Day

I sat up in the balcony with Leo and Joni (friends of my Opa and Oma) and then my auntie and uncle came as well. It was nice to go to the 9 am for a change.

I went this afternoon to see Megs' choir performance at Capilano College. It was... breathtaking. Music is just incredible. It stirs something inside me, I guess. I was shivering and just soaking it all in. It was like this beautiful sound just washing over me in waves. They had three different choirs as well as a brass quintet that would have knocked your socks off. And a woman who has her PhD in organ performance. I was floored by her playing. Stunning. Yeah I'm a geek, and I embrace the term.

Speaking of Meghan, she's coming to the Women's Banquet tomorrow night with her Mom, so maybe that will make me less grumpy about it! Actually, I'm SURE it will make me less grumpy about it, which is fantastic because I really shouldn't be grumpy :).


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