Aaaaaand She Did It
- School was fine; slept in but still caught the bus woo hoo
- Found a new philosopher that I really like named Derek Parfit; this led to
- An interesting philosophy discussion group (for a change); I think the TA was shocked by me
- Slept on the bus home (oops but yay)
OK now that we've got the preliminaries out of the way, here's what SHE DID (and this of course is what I did)...
So I was told about this concert at 10th Avenue Alliance in Vancouver and I wanted to go because it sounded like fun so I talked to Dean and he said we'd meet at Joe's house and to call him when I get downtown. Yeah, I know that those of you who know me well are already shaking your heads thinking, 'oh no, Sara's probably typing this from a bush in Langley, trying to find out where the hell she is'. But no. I made it downtown and I happily called Dean from W. Georgia, car intact, brain intact, and I get, "oh, sweetheart we aren't there anymore... we'll meet you at the church ok?" Ummmmmm ok (kinda grr, but only at the situation and the realization that I had been victorious for nothing hehe... it's like, I've just slain Grendel and I'm told that his Mom is still around and would I mind going after her too?). BUT another small victory is that I found 10th. You'd better believe that I, Sara J. Macdonald, managed to turn around in downtown Vancouver and find my way back to 10th. I was a little bit late and had to call Dean to get the address of the place but I still did it. And that was cool.
Dad calls what I have dysrexia. It's a knee-slapper because it's like dyslexia, only for the directionally-challenged. My mom and I both suffer from this "disability". I'm definitely a lot better than I used to be, but still, that's not really very good at all. Oh well. I did it. I'm alive. And there were no problems until later when someone suggested I take the Number 1 to get home (WHAT is THAT?!!!! I've heard of it, but no thank you!).
The concert was scrumtrillescent. It made my heart feel really good, if that makes any sense. Plus I always know that I'm into it when I might be singing off key and don't give a damn! Proz would NOT be impressed ;).
I'm very content right now, and I'm not sure why. I don't think it's because I have my computer on my lap and it's making my knee warm, though my computer IS sitting on my lap and making my knee warm.
Maybe it's because my eyes and ears aren't hurting right now. The last week or so has been kind of brutal in that my eyes have been aching and have been going all blurry... probably from all the late nights and early morning and staring at a computer screen typing papers at crazy times.... and my ears have always been ultra-sensitive, so when I get stressed, I tend to pick up everything and the world seems so obnoxiously loud. The good news is that the ringing isn't that bad these days. I thought for a while that I had tinnitus.
I wonder what I shall do tomorrow. I think I shall write my research paper or at least analyze my six articles.... if I can get the lovely Janet Giltrow to look over it, that would be ideal. I really like her. My presentation went very well I think. I kind of had this idea yesterday that synthesized my findings on the Sudan articles, and so I hurriedly changed my presentation before I went to class, and she seemed impressed with my "findings". She called them "interesting and exciting". How excellent. Actually, most of the presentations were really impressive and I was... impressed. Oh dear. I need a lexicon!
Maybe I'll go visit Breanne at A & B Sound tomorrow. I would like to work there as well. Heck, I would just like to work anywhere. I'm thrilled about getting Tuesdays and Thursdays off next semester. Must... find... job... Anyone wanna give me a job? I'm cheap!
OH! Speaking of jobs (Ha! You thought I was done! Fool!), Ashlee and I went to visit Nicki yesterday at Tomko. My dad wasn't there (though I didn't know this when we decided to go visiting), so we had a nice chat. She's great. I was horrified, however, when I went into the warehouse, and Chris (Mr. Mailbox) informed me that he and Jake (uh DUHHHHHH) and I'm presuming Trevor (that gnomey hooligan) had taken down the shoes that Meghan and I had so lovingly left!!! We risked our LIVES. It's not easy tying shoes to warehouse rafters, darnit. I'm going to have to get them fired. It will most likely go something like this:
S: Daaaaaaaaddddddyyyy, Jake, Chris and Trevor suck. You should fire them.
D (my dad's name is "Dad"): What did you just call me? If you ever use that word on me again, I'll street fight you.
Actually, I don't know that Dad is cool enough to use a term like "I'll street fight you", but you get the general picture. And somehow I think Jake, Chris, and Trevor will still be working there when I inherit the company and sell it to Jim at Pacific Ace for two bracelets and a broken tambourine. But not until I have a chance to go to one of those yearly Costco meetings and vent my spleen. Oh yes. Spleens will be vented. Did you know that spleen means, in addition to a silly little organ in the body, a "problem" aka a "beef"? I think that may have been one of the words of the day waaaaaay back when, but it's always good to be reminded of something this important.
Night night.
"Praise the Lord! Oh my soul. Praise the Lord."
- School was fine; slept in but still caught the bus woo hoo
- Found a new philosopher that I really like named Derek Parfit; this led to
- An interesting philosophy discussion group (for a change); I think the TA was shocked by me
- Slept on the bus home (oops but yay)
OK now that we've got the preliminaries out of the way, here's what SHE DID (and this of course is what I did)...
So I was told about this concert at 10th Avenue Alliance in Vancouver and I wanted to go because it sounded like fun so I talked to Dean and he said we'd meet at Joe's house and to call him when I get downtown. Yeah, I know that those of you who know me well are already shaking your heads thinking, 'oh no, Sara's probably typing this from a bush in Langley, trying to find out where the hell she is'. But no. I made it downtown and I happily called Dean from W. Georgia, car intact, brain intact, and I get, "oh, sweetheart we aren't there anymore... we'll meet you at the church ok?" Ummmmmm ok (kinda grr, but only at the situation and the realization that I had been victorious for nothing hehe... it's like, I've just slain Grendel and I'm told that his Mom is still around and would I mind going after her too?). BUT another small victory is that I found 10th. You'd better believe that I, Sara J. Macdonald, managed to turn around in downtown Vancouver and find my way back to 10th. I was a little bit late and had to call Dean to get the address of the place but I still did it. And that was cool.
Dad calls what I have dysrexia. It's a knee-slapper because it's like dyslexia, only for the directionally-challenged. My mom and I both suffer from this "disability". I'm definitely a lot better than I used to be, but still, that's not really very good at all. Oh well. I did it. I'm alive. And there were no problems until later when someone suggested I take the Number 1 to get home (WHAT is THAT?!!!! I've heard of it, but no thank you!).
The concert was scrumtrillescent. It made my heart feel really good, if that makes any sense. Plus I always know that I'm into it when I might be singing off key and don't give a damn! Proz would NOT be impressed ;).
I'm very content right now, and I'm not sure why. I don't think it's because I have my computer on my lap and it's making my knee warm, though my computer IS sitting on my lap and making my knee warm.
Maybe it's because my eyes and ears aren't hurting right now. The last week or so has been kind of brutal in that my eyes have been aching and have been going all blurry... probably from all the late nights and early morning and staring at a computer screen typing papers at crazy times.... and my ears have always been ultra-sensitive, so when I get stressed, I tend to pick up everything and the world seems so obnoxiously loud. The good news is that the ringing isn't that bad these days. I thought for a while that I had tinnitus.
I wonder what I shall do tomorrow. I think I shall write my research paper or at least analyze my six articles.... if I can get the lovely Janet Giltrow to look over it, that would be ideal. I really like her. My presentation went very well I think. I kind of had this idea yesterday that synthesized my findings on the Sudan articles, and so I hurriedly changed my presentation before I went to class, and she seemed impressed with my "findings". She called them "interesting and exciting". How excellent. Actually, most of the presentations were really impressive and I was... impressed. Oh dear. I need a lexicon!
Maybe I'll go visit Breanne at A & B Sound tomorrow. I would like to work there as well. Heck, I would just like to work anywhere. I'm thrilled about getting Tuesdays and Thursdays off next semester. Must... find... job... Anyone wanna give me a job? I'm cheap!
OH! Speaking of jobs (Ha! You thought I was done! Fool!), Ashlee and I went to visit Nicki yesterday at Tomko. My dad wasn't there (though I didn't know this when we decided to go visiting), so we had a nice chat. She's great. I was horrified, however, when I went into the warehouse, and Chris (Mr. Mailbox) informed me that he and Jake (uh DUHHHHHH) and I'm presuming Trevor (that gnomey hooligan) had taken down the shoes that Meghan and I had so lovingly left!!! We risked our LIVES. It's not easy tying shoes to warehouse rafters, darnit. I'm going to have to get them fired. It will most likely go something like this:
S: Daaaaaaaaddddddyyyy, Jake, Chris and Trevor suck. You should fire them.
D (my dad's name is "Dad"): What did you just call me? If you ever use that word on me again, I'll street fight you.
Actually, I don't know that Dad is cool enough to use a term like "I'll street fight you", but you get the general picture. And somehow I think Jake, Chris, and Trevor will still be working there when I inherit the company and sell it to Jim at Pacific Ace for two bracelets and a broken tambourine. But not until I have a chance to go to one of those yearly Costco meetings and vent my spleen. Oh yes. Spleens will be vented. Did you know that spleen means, in addition to a silly little organ in the body, a "problem" aka a "beef"? I think that may have been one of the words of the day waaaaaay back when, but it's always good to be reminded of something this important.
Night night.
"Praise the Lord! Oh my soul. Praise the Lord."
"I'll street fight you" ??? That sounds rather gruesome, as in memories of Street Fighter 2 or Mortal Kombat :| With your dad?! Someone's "honour thy mother and thy father" has gone AWOL...
Dysrexia: cool word.
Mike, at 4:25 a.m.
Oh don't be silly. It's more of a "handbags at dawn" type thing, as far as I'm concerned. And keep in mind, there is no lack of honoring my father, because he would be the one saying it to ME :p. And one must also remember that in Street Fighter and Mortal Combat, everyone was always fine again in the next round. :D Because that, of course, is the real world, no?
Sara, at 10:59 a.m.
So I've given it a lot of thought. And I have decided to start my own blog... on Sara's comment section part thinger!
So, In my previous comment, I mentioned that I was going out on a date with an over-grown-punk-guitar-player. Well... first off, he was a lot weirder OUTSIDE of work. I mean weird is good most of the time... this wasn't most of the time though. For starters it smelt as if something crawled down his throat and died there, and he wasn't so much punk and he was goth, not that I have anything against people who sway that way. You know how you when you put water and oil together they don't mix, yea, that was pretty much the whole nite. He was the oil trying to get on top. Ok well, not THAT bad, but I liked how it sounded so I added it.
In other news, I went to check to see if I got my time off for x-mas that I requested. AND I did!! Which is great. While I was in the managers office she told me that she saw my picture in a magazine. Yes, my picture is in a magazine. It isn't supposed to be though. The dude who asked if he could take it (at some convention I was at) called the company I was representing and asked them, they said we first have to see said photo and read this article BEFORE it is published. Well what a surprise it was to me and THEM when I told them that it was already published. SO NOW this means that I might be getting a laywer, 1) Because my agent would freak if this photo is copyrighted under the magazines name (which it is), 2) The company I was representing HATE when people do this and 3) to cover my ass.
Last night my brother and I had some friends over. I was tempted to kill 2 of them. The last straw was when one of them spilt beer over this antique rug that we inherited. I mean it wasn't a lot, so I let it slide a bit, BUT THEN when the other guy knocked over a glass of rum and coke, I had one of those crazy blackouts where you are suddenly leaping across the room hands ready to strangle, mouth ready to bite nose. Then I was sitting back in my chair gritting my teeth.
On that semi-violent note, I'm gonna get ready for work!
Anonymous, at 12:20 p.m.
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