You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.
I cleaned my room. For those of you who are wisely skeptical and don't believe me, or have never seen my room clean, here we have the before:
and the after:
Sooooo I went to see Spongebob on Friday night, with le Brea. It was so hilarious. I laughed harder than I have in a very long time - the two of us definitely enjoyed it more than any of the teeny boppers who shared the theatre with us. There weren't any children because it was late at night, but that's probably for the best. It would have just increased the embarrassment. Screw that. I'm not embarrassed. It was terrific. And I would see it again so NYAH!!! Ridiculously funny - you can't help but laugh. No substance, of course, but that's ok when tears of laughter are pouring down your face.
My parents were gone for the weekend... that was... good. I got a lot done; did lots of bio, worried about the papers that I handed in (because, you know, worrying makes things better), and then Megs came over on Saturday night and we had a ridiculously good time. Went for breakfast on Sunday and then to church. Awesome - Jon is on fire these days. I like that there is a variety at PPAC.
The Lions lost. It was sad. I'm glad I opted to not watch the game in favor of doing other stuff, cuz I tend to become very involved in that kind of thing. It would have been detrimental to my health.
I went to visit Reeg last night for a few minutes, just to make sure she's keeping sane. She as well has had a bunch of shiza due lately, and has been freaking out a lil bit. I'm glad she came out to see Spongebob though; it was good for her.
Ashlee and I met up and did some studying. Misery loves company. The part that makes me miserable is that when I actually read my bio, it makes sense to me. So I wonder what I would be able to accomplish if I applied myself? Rather, if I had started to apply myself earlier. It's a two-semester survey, though, so I'll be able to really catch up over the Christmas break.
Hmmm what else did I do...? Had a nice chat with Zahida on Saturday, hung out with Kell, did some more homework. I went for a few nice walks with Smeagol, which was really nice. Fresh, crisp air. Mmm. No no: Mmmmmmm Mm Mm Mm Mmmmmm. Slap me for that one please. Stef, have you still got that cat poison? I should have myself put down.
Philosophy didn't make me want to dig an escape hole through the floor today, which was a pleasant surprise. They're starting to talk about stuff that I care about. I've realized that whilst I'm not completely inept, I prefer 20th and 21st Century philosophical theories better than the old stuff. I have also realized that I don't really like the word "whilst" and I should stop using it.
I got my Gilgamesh paper back, and the world will not in fact be ending. I did really well, actually. I don't know if it's an ego thing, but I've been so worried lately that I can't possibly want to teach English to people because I can't even speak it or use it for communicative purposes. I am encouraged by this that maybe I wasn't wrong to want to major in English. It's not that I haven't been enjoying it; rather I'm just concerned that you should not only enjoy it but also be able to understand it and write about it in order to seriously study it in higher level courses, and ultimately teach it. Maybe I'm not a bad writer afterall. Now I just have to work on my verbal eloquence, or lack thereof these days ;). UhhBUHHHHHH.
So that's half the sigh of relief... the inhaling part of the sigh. Tomorrow when I get my other term paper back, we'll see if I can exhale.
I really like the song by Projet Orange - Tell All Your Friends.
My hair right now is spectacular. It's like... Bon Jovi pre-1990s. Yep. That's some big hair. When I was little and essentially had an afro, my mom used to call me the little bushwoman. It terrified me... because I thought the bushwoman was the girl on the raisin box. And she was creepy. I'll have to try to tame the hair, even though it pretty much does what it wants regardless. I need a haircut; I'm such a punk. But I'm a CHEAP punk, and haircuts are expensive, especially when you have a lot of Bon Jovi-esque hair.
I'm looking forward to YA tonight. The speaker was good last time and he's back again. He was talking about names... and it caused me to break into thought about a bunch of stuff... and then at CG the following week I had an interesting encounter that has spurned still more thought. Tougher, more provocative thought, but it's been revealing and I'm coming to realize a few important things. At least, they're important to me. So needless to say I'm interested to hear what Darcy has to say this evening.
Aww. Those of you who responded to my Friday-morning greeting are sweeties. Made me smile some more :). (Stef I haven't forgotten about your LC video... haven't been to Tomko yet.)
I'm going to have some Jello.
and the after:
Sooooo I went to see Spongebob on Friday night, with le Brea. It was so hilarious. I laughed harder than I have in a very long time - the two of us definitely enjoyed it more than any of the teeny boppers who shared the theatre with us. There weren't any children because it was late at night, but that's probably for the best. It would have just increased the embarrassment. Screw that. I'm not embarrassed. It was terrific. And I would see it again so NYAH!!! Ridiculously funny - you can't help but laugh. No substance, of course, but that's ok when tears of laughter are pouring down your face.
My parents were gone for the weekend... that was... good. I got a lot done; did lots of bio, worried about the papers that I handed in (because, you know, worrying makes things better), and then Megs came over on Saturday night and we had a ridiculously good time. Went for breakfast on Sunday and then to church. Awesome - Jon is on fire these days. I like that there is a variety at PPAC.
The Lions lost. It was sad. I'm glad I opted to not watch the game in favor of doing other stuff, cuz I tend to become very involved in that kind of thing. It would have been detrimental to my health.
I went to visit Reeg last night for a few minutes, just to make sure she's keeping sane. She as well has had a bunch of shiza due lately, and has been freaking out a lil bit. I'm glad she came out to see Spongebob though; it was good for her.
Ashlee and I met up and did some studying. Misery loves company. The part that makes me miserable is that when I actually read my bio, it makes sense to me. So I wonder what I would be able to accomplish if I applied myself? Rather, if I had started to apply myself earlier. It's a two-semester survey, though, so I'll be able to really catch up over the Christmas break.
Hmmm what else did I do...? Had a nice chat with Zahida on Saturday, hung out with Kell, did some more homework. I went for a few nice walks with Smeagol, which was really nice. Fresh, crisp air. Mmm. No no: Mmmmmmm Mm Mm Mm Mmmmmm. Slap me for that one please. Stef, have you still got that cat poison? I should have myself put down.
Philosophy didn't make me want to dig an escape hole through the floor today, which was a pleasant surprise. They're starting to talk about stuff that I care about. I've realized that whilst I'm not completely inept, I prefer 20th and 21st Century philosophical theories better than the old stuff. I have also realized that I don't really like the word "whilst" and I should stop using it.
I got my Gilgamesh paper back, and the world will not in fact be ending. I did really well, actually. I don't know if it's an ego thing, but I've been so worried lately that I can't possibly want to teach English to people because I can't even speak it or use it for communicative purposes. I am encouraged by this that maybe I wasn't wrong to want to major in English. It's not that I haven't been enjoying it; rather I'm just concerned that you should not only enjoy it but also be able to understand it and write about it in order to seriously study it in higher level courses, and ultimately teach it. Maybe I'm not a bad writer afterall. Now I just have to work on my verbal eloquence, or lack thereof these days ;). UhhBUHHHHHH.
So that's half the sigh of relief... the inhaling part of the sigh. Tomorrow when I get my other term paper back, we'll see if I can exhale.
I really like the song by Projet Orange - Tell All Your Friends.
My hair right now is spectacular. It's like... Bon Jovi pre-1990s. Yep. That's some big hair. When I was little and essentially had an afro, my mom used to call me the little bushwoman. It terrified me... because I thought the bushwoman was the girl on the raisin box. And she was creepy. I'll have to try to tame the hair, even though it pretty much does what it wants regardless. I need a haircut; I'm such a punk. But I'm a CHEAP punk, and haircuts are expensive, especially when you have a lot of Bon Jovi-esque hair.
I'm looking forward to YA tonight. The speaker was good last time and he's back again. He was talking about names... and it caused me to break into thought about a bunch of stuff... and then at CG the following week I had an interesting encounter that has spurned still more thought. Tougher, more provocative thought, but it's been revealing and I'm coming to realize a few important things. At least, they're important to me. So needless to say I'm interested to hear what Darcy has to say this evening.
Aww. Those of you who responded to my Friday-morning greeting are sweeties. Made me smile some more :). (Stef I haven't forgotten about your LC video... haven't been to Tomko yet.)
I'm going to have some Jello.
YAY someone FINALLY mentioned ME in their blog!!! And the fact that it was there TWICE, TOP DRAWER! Speaking of punks, I'm going out on a date with one, which makes me think of John mentioning something about there is a certain age in which one can dress and act like a "punk"... this guy is 23... I'm thinking of bringing some cat poision with me JUST in case i have to spike his pop corn. But I give him props on the looks; he has a cute smile. Suddenly I remember that this is Sara's blog... and I'm typing a lot for just a comment. So that being said... BUUUUIII!
Anonymous, at 8:17 p.m.
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