Sara's Ramblings

Friday, February 09, 2007

Apples? Try paper dolls.

Today we got our research assignments back in English 344 (The Arthur of Medieval English) and someone *points to self* got an A+. Before you call me a braggart, let me explain why. There are these Gawain and the Green Knight paper dolls that I found while randomly searching in the abyss that we call the Interweb. Downloaded them, printed them off, and handed them in to Teacher (who, by the way, rocks my socks with her awesomeness), and she was so excited that she announced in class that everyone could go and get their own. So, your lesson for today is that teachers don't want apples, they want paper dolls.


Last night was a delicious turn of events. It was so dead at work we were nearly asleep on our feet! I was channelling Trevor for a few hours, trying to use my psychic powers to get him to come to the store so I can chat with him about this fundraiser, but to no avail. Then Sally and John showed up, and I figured that maybe the lines had been crossed? It was perfect because I was already grumbling about having to take the bus this morning, and they offered to wait for us to close up so we could all go to Van for the evening.

And THEN, when we were in a cleaning frenzy, Trev showed up, meaning maybe I AM psychic afterall! So I got to work with Jonathan and Katelyn (always a good thing), and then three of my favorite people showed up to make my evening. It was good times, I tell ya. I left in very high and excitable spirits.


I work tonight and then I am very pleased to have ALL DAY TOMORROW OFF. I think I will sleep until at least 10, then go the beach and spend some time with the old journal. Keeping in mind I intend to get two papers written this weekend and have to do sound on Sunday, I should probably do some work as well, but still. Some things you just can't put off. Like slacking off and procrastinating.


Adieu, adieu.


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