Got Wives?
I got bored in class today... so I decided to start a polygamist colony on Facebook.

It was the only rational thing to do.
It's been a few hours now, and I have six wives. I think maybe a hundred is a good goal, or infinity.
And by the way, you'll note that our profile pic is currently the Avenging Unicorn... more to come on him later, I promise.
To those of you who thought I was normal, I just have to say this: it appears that I have fooled you.

It was the only rational thing to do.
It's been a few hours now, and I have six wives. I think maybe a hundred is a good goal, or infinity.
And by the way, you'll note that our profile pic is currently the Avenging Unicorn... more to come on him later, I promise.
To those of you who thought I was normal, I just have to say this: it appears that I have fooled you.
freaking hilarious Sara!
thanks for the comment and for remindng me that you are an avid (and funny) blogger too.
glad we were missed. In fact you were on my mind earlier this week and I was wonderin' how you are.
Amanda Lee Smith, at 8:12 a.m.
hey girl, can I be a wife too? Finally getting a chance to catch up on your bloggery
let's do lunch again soon - maybe next week, or something off campus over the weekend?
ZAHiDA MACHAN, at 9:00 p.m.
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