Ed McMancandy...

Trevor was really pining for some Mancandy and no one likes to see Trevor sad. Here ya go, Trev, have some Ed McMahon for now.
Been super busy working 3 jobs, but I'm loving Starbucks so far, and fulltime Tomko fun comes to an end tomorrow at 4:30. I can't believe it's back to school on Wednesday.... I have to say that I've not missed the morning commute. Ah well, LAST YEAR OF MY UNDERGRAD HUZZAH.
Things have been sooooo dramatic this week you have no idea. Fighting with friends is not something that happens too often, but this time it's pretty bad, to the point that I don't know if things are salvagable. I have reverted to high school-esque slamming of phones and stomping around and listening to angry music. I'm exhausted from being so frustrated and angry and sad. Plus, it's making me physically ill, which also sucks. I don't know how to make it right, and even worse, I don't know if I want to. Sick. I just wish that it could end with a head full of pleasant memories instead of all this bullshit. We'll have to see what happens. Please pray for us.
There's a lack of inspired blogging tonight. In fact, I don't know why I'm blogging at all, except that somehow I feel like I should. I have an inkling, however, that once school kicks in, I'll have much less time for this sort of thing, and thus will blog constantly.
I have finally started going through my digital pics... so maybe I'll start posting pics from Christmas '04 up here in the next while ;).
A certain flower-named girl got herself a blog, so click on over and say hello.
Umm, I have nothing else to say at the moment, so.....
Thats quite the man-candy there... I think you'll have to explain it to me :)
I hope the friend situation will work out; if you need to talk someone's ear off at a nearby Starbucks give me a shout.
Thanks for the free ad on your blog... maybe now I'll have THREE people reading it!
rose, at 2:55 p.m.
Hey Sara. What you're going through sucks. I've been there. Then again, so have we all. There isn't really anything I can say to make it feel any better. Friends are important. That said, I am always here for you. Why? Because you never forget to ask me how I am doing. You have compassion down to an art. I'm the one who forgets. But that doesn't mean I don't love you and will love you forever. Give me a call if you need an ear. If you need a punching bag, go elsewhere, because you're bigger than me so it would hurt. :-)
ZAHiDA MACHAN, at 5:15 p.m.
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