Happy Father's Day!

Yay for dads everywhere. And yes, my dad's eyes are naturally red ;).
I'm feeling a bit tender (read: hungover) from too much indulgence last night with some of the girls.
Sara (lying on Kelly's changeroom floor at Reitman's with her hood pulled over her head): I feel kind of like Darth Vader right now.
Kelly: Why, because Darth Vader is hungover all the time?
Nice one, Kell.
Dad is content to watch his golf all day today, so despite my constant offer to do things for him, I think he just wants to be left in peace. Which is probably for the best. I'm pretty annoying.
I'm moving to Australia in 11 days. The lack of blogging is due to living life rather than sitting at home and writing about it. Blogging is good times and I will definitely keep up with it, but when you've got 11 days to say goodbye and have fun with your best friends and pack (though truth be told I haven't started that yet), it leaves less time for computer-related pastimes.
Today is an exception. All I desire today is to stay out of the bright lights and shrink into my cool, dark bedroom.
New Community is where it's at. Last night was lovely.
Works been way better since the return of the Megs.
And now I am going to retire to my cave, where I will try to find a way to read without opening my eyes....
Darth Sara,
I like the sound of it. I can't believe it's only 11 days 'til you take off! I'm so excited for you, which you may not realize because I see less of and talk to you less lately :( I'm so happy we get to meet up on Tuesday--lots of catching up to do.
Enjoy dad's day. I'm going with mine to my sister's place for a BBQ :)
ZAHiDA MACHAN, at 2:23 p.m.
SO FUN. lol ... le top. BEST OF!
Brea, at 3:59 p.m.
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