Oi! It's like I've bitten off more than I can chew, and now I'm choking to death (on my own tongue)

Crunch time came early this year.
I'll let you in on a little secret:
I might not be graduating in April.
Wow. Thinking those words in my head, saying them aloud, watching them appear on the screen.... it's a bit scary, and it sure does a number on my pride!!! Oh pride, you minx.
I've taken a number of steps to increase the likelihood of walking across the stage at the end of this semester. Ergo (I do not like that word, by the way... it sounds so pretentious), my e-presence will be diminishing significantly. At the very least, the daily blogging will decrease, the quarter-hourly email checking will be limited, the MSN has been deleted.*
So, really. If you want to know what's up or want to tell me what's been going on with you, email, or even better, call me. We can go for a walk, grab coffee, something like that. Chances are, I'd like to hear your voice anyway. (Quality, not quantity... and that's what THIS is... a lot of fluff and very little substance.) It's the hours and hours of time-wasting that need to be ass-kicked into oblivion, not friendships.
I gave up reading blogs for Lent and I realized that i don't know what's going on in half of my friends' lives... isn't that pathetic?
I've also realized I'm scared of calling people on the phone. Also very pathetic, and indicative of my e-bsession. I have to work on this.
Anyway. That was a bit disjointed :).
Tally-ho and all of that. Wish me luck?
- Sara
*Or rather, it will be when I go to sleep tonight :) Just covering my bases in case you catch me online in the next hour or so!!
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