Sara's Ramblings

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

[Edit: Travis says this was an incorrect representation of our conversation... so I've done my best to rectify it]

"Everyone is so happy to see you! It's like it's Trav-bucks! Except, actually, we've already kind of done up some designs for a logo for Sara-bucks..." - S

"What, is it, a fully-clothed Siren wearing a cross?" - T

There's a bit of a backstory here, a joke that revolves around me being a prudish, frigid Christian. The former is probably part irony, the latter part truth.

Another of my favorite Travis-comments was when I was in the Emmerton's wine cellar one night, and emerged to, "LOOK! SARA'S COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET!"

Travis is back at my Starbucks, on loan for two months until his new store opens up. Oh, I've missed him. I happily went to Tribeca at 5am this morning, knowing I'd get to work with the brat. 'Twas a good shift, indeed; spent most of it laughing. Now we just need to convince him to stay!

Tossing and turning at 3.30am, wondering why I hadn't been able to fall asleep yet, I realized that yesterday I had downed 12 shots of espresso during the day... now we can say it's up to 18 in a 24-hour period. While my brain was whirring through the night, I was struck by the fear. I need to get the lead out or I will be very displeased come April when everything is due.

On that note, time to get to it. :)


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