Nonsensical Dreams
I daydream a LOT and sometimes those can get pretty weird, but like I said before, I don't dream at night. Well, I know that we all dream every night, but I will only remember dreaming once a season maybe? Half a dozen times a year, tops. But for the second day in a row, I can remember what I dreamed about last night.
I was at a warehouse complex that looked eerily like Tomko except it was glass, and around the back Glenn Hilton was filming a music video for Lotus Child and everything was very intense, seemingly like a life or death situation.
Weirdo factors:
- I've spoken to Glenn Hilton (ex youth pastor at PPAC) maybe three times, ever.
- Why Tomko? Why for the love of all that is sanity, did it HAVE to be Tomko?
- Lotus Child was VERY angry that their fans were there. Violent angry, even. The good news is that I was the omniscient in the dream so I wasn't participating, just watching, and the band didn't yell at me.
- It reminded me a lot of Canadian Idol, where there were judges set up to choose which fans got to be in the video.
- Even though I was aware that it was Tomko, it also looked like a storage place on 24th that I walk past every day with Smeagol.
Maaaaaybe it's because a) I was talking to someone last night who was married by Glenn Hilton b) Stef is always ranting about Lotus Child c) I've listened to Kelly Clarkson, winner of American Idol d) I can never escape Tomko e) Stabilo just finished shooting a video that takes place in a mental hospital (which would essentially explain MOST of the dream!).
You can find explanations for your dreams if you really stretch things to their logical and somewhat illogical extremes.
A nonsensical post for a nonsensical dream. The part that fascinates me most is that I've actually remembered a couple of them... and I'm taking a break from the philosophy so I HAD to write something ;). I need some sort of anti-blogging patch.
I get to do sound tonight. Woo. The church looks STUNNING set up for the production (from the pictures I've seen so far... although it looks in one of them as though some hotboxing has been going on...............), and plus, lots will be already set up. Maybe at the end of the night I'll be sweet and unplug everything... move the piano back up on the stage (I'll have to bring Princess for that), take down those pesky curtains... you know, clean stuff up a bit... and then they'll find me in the water off White Rock pier, wearing concrete boots.
It looks as though I will reach my goal of finishing the Bible by the end of the year. I took a peek at what I have left to read and it's surprisingly less than I thought. It's about time if you ask me. I put it off for waaaay too long.
Speaking of putting off, back to the philosophy!
"Go ahead you can laugh all you want... I've got my philosophy... Would you look at me I'm crazy, but I get the job done... Yeah I'm crazy, but I get the job done" - Ben Folds Five: Philosophy [insert piano solo here]
I was at a warehouse complex that looked eerily like Tomko except it was glass, and around the back Glenn Hilton was filming a music video for Lotus Child and everything was very intense, seemingly like a life or death situation.
Weirdo factors:
- I've spoken to Glenn Hilton (ex youth pastor at PPAC) maybe three times, ever.
- Why Tomko? Why for the love of all that is sanity, did it HAVE to be Tomko?
- Lotus Child was VERY angry that their fans were there. Violent angry, even. The good news is that I was the omniscient in the dream so I wasn't participating, just watching, and the band didn't yell at me.
- It reminded me a lot of Canadian Idol, where there were judges set up to choose which fans got to be in the video.
- Even though I was aware that it was Tomko, it also looked like a storage place on 24th that I walk past every day with Smeagol.
Maaaaaybe it's because a) I was talking to someone last night who was married by Glenn Hilton b) Stef is always ranting about Lotus Child c) I've listened to Kelly Clarkson, winner of American Idol d) I can never escape Tomko e) Stabilo just finished shooting a video that takes place in a mental hospital (which would essentially explain MOST of the dream!).
You can find explanations for your dreams if you really stretch things to their logical and somewhat illogical extremes.
A nonsensical post for a nonsensical dream. The part that fascinates me most is that I've actually remembered a couple of them... and I'm taking a break from the philosophy so I HAD to write something ;). I need some sort of anti-blogging patch.
I get to do sound tonight. Woo. The church looks STUNNING set up for the production (from the pictures I've seen so far... although it looks in one of them as though some hotboxing has been going on...............), and plus, lots will be already set up. Maybe at the end of the night I'll be sweet and unplug everything... move the piano back up on the stage (I'll have to bring Princess for that), take down those pesky curtains... you know, clean stuff up a bit... and then they'll find me in the water off White Rock pier, wearing concrete boots.
It looks as though I will reach my goal of finishing the Bible by the end of the year. I took a peek at what I have left to read and it's surprisingly less than I thought. It's about time if you ask me. I put it off for waaaay too long.
Speaking of putting off, back to the philosophy!
"Go ahead you can laugh all you want... I've got my philosophy... Would you look at me I'm crazy, but I get the job done... Yeah I'm crazy, but I get the job done" - Ben Folds Five: Philosophy [insert piano solo here]
This is Gloria.
Your blog is awfully long if you're only "taking a break" from j/k. It's interesting...I used to write down my dreams. Then I got lazy. But yeah. I would like to see your Christmas Production. But I think it's too far. Anyway, just wanted to say your blog is interesting, I will be here every time I personally "take a break"...
Anonymous, at 3:04 p.m.
No no, Gloria. I just type fast :P.
Sara, at 4:39 p.m.
Who are all these random comment posting people!?
Anyways, this is my next attempt at blogging secretly on Sara's not so secret blog.
If hell froze over, it would be apparent that Saskatoon is hell. Yup that's right, it's DAMN cold. I'm tempted to scribble my last will and testament (or whatever it's called) somewhere in my truck so if somebody found me frozen on the side of the road they would know what to do.
Stabilo was playing tonite ((I know, playing in Saskatoon!? Who would've thunk-it) besides the crazy people that know where they play and where they live, and who they live with... yea the crazy fans, like that Fizz person I always see whilst loitering OMP :p) I couldn't go unfortunately, the school beckoned me to come and write some form of test on the endocrine (I don't know if I spelt that right, that's not a good thing seeing as how I should know)system.
Speaking of coldness, ONLY 6 MORE DAYS! Till I arrive in good ol' Vancouver! I'm quite excited! Except for the fact I will have no means of transportation (except joining the bus folk and get lost) and I have yet to start my Christmas shopping. I'm thinking I'll just play the juicy fruit song as a Christmas present to EVERYONE! It'll be fun! For some reason I get the image of someone throwing something at me... like a shoe.
My leprosy is acting up again, which means I need to get some hardcore moisturising lotion action. Cause I, like my guitar, is drying up and I, unlike my guitar, is freezing.
With that delightful news of leprosy, I'm gonna go!
Anonymous, at 8:59 p.m.
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