I make a damn good latte...
A personal quad grande sugar-free vanilla non-fat latte, to be exact. My freezer room is pretty much a tiny Starbucks. I just whipped up a nice javajava for moi-meme, thus bidding adieu the promise of sleep this fine night.
Can you guess why?
Ooh, SNAP! Got it in one try: I have PAPERS due tomorrow. Yes, plural. Three. One is very near completion, the other two, well... I don't want to talk about it.
What I DO want to talk about is this HUGE, HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE blessing I received today. I gave away a lot of shifts and booked off a lot of time from Sbux to do this benefit/fundraiser thingy. Don't regret it for a second (and yes I realize I have yet to write about it in ye olde blogge, but since most of those who read this were THERE, I'm not in a super-dee-duper rush), but it has left me a bit strapped for cash, and wondering how I'm going to pull it together to pay for Uganda.
Anyhoo. Went to my Uganda meeting today (Squee! TWO MONTHS!!!), and Scott was handing out slips with our "balances". That is, if people have donated money towards us, personally, he was letting us know who, so we could write thank you notes. He also said that if it was contributed anonymously, we could pass on our thank-yous through him. I was sitting there, twiddling my thumbs and chatting with Jessie--I only started handing out my support letters today, at a happening shindig to celebrate my Great-Tante-Ilse's 80th birthday--when all of a sudden he handed me a pretty pink slip. It read:
Anonymous - $600.
Someone anonymously contributed SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS towards my trip.... I can't even freaking believe it. That's a lot of money. I almost cried. Well, I teared up a little bit, and my jaw hung open for a good minute or two. I have no idea who it was, or why, or how.... but I feel SO honoured that someone would be willing to invest in me like this.... wow.
Can you guess why?
Ooh, SNAP! Got it in one try: I have PAPERS due tomorrow. Yes, plural. Three. One is very near completion, the other two, well... I don't want to talk about it.
What I DO want to talk about is this HUGE, HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE blessing I received today. I gave away a lot of shifts and booked off a lot of time from Sbux to do this benefit/fundraiser thingy. Don't regret it for a second (and yes I realize I have yet to write about it in ye olde blogge, but since most of those who read this were THERE, I'm not in a super-dee-duper rush), but it has left me a bit strapped for cash, and wondering how I'm going to pull it together to pay for Uganda.
Anyhoo. Went to my Uganda meeting today (Squee! TWO MONTHS!!!), and Scott was handing out slips with our "balances". That is, if people have donated money towards us, personally, he was letting us know who, so we could write thank you notes. He also said that if it was contributed anonymously, we could pass on our thank-yous through him. I was sitting there, twiddling my thumbs and chatting with Jessie--I only started handing out my support letters today, at a happening shindig to celebrate my Great-Tante-Ilse's 80th birthday--when all of a sudden he handed me a pretty pink slip. It read:
Anonymous - $600.
Someone anonymously contributed SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS towards my trip.... I can't even freaking believe it. That's a lot of money. I almost cried. Well, I teared up a little bit, and my jaw hung open for a good minute or two. I have no idea who it was, or why, or how.... but I feel SO honoured that someone would be willing to invest in me like this.... wow.
That is awesome Sara...i love when i hear about situations like that. Maybe it was Robert Goulet??
Just wanted to say..that is really exciting Sara!!
Anonymous, at 10:43 p.m.
I needed the reminder that we are provided for when things are at their tightest...
Thanks for the hope.
Anonymous, at 7:51 p.m.
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